Archive for July, 2014

The Secret to Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

Posted on July 18, 2014. Filed under: Business, Email Marketing, Email Results, Marketing | Tags: , , , , , , |

The Secret to Successful Email Marketing CampaignsEmail Marketing should be a key element in your online marketing mix, but many business owners struggle to get success from their email marketing efforts, they send out enewsletters month after month, year after year, and get no real results.  However, on the other side of the coin other businesses seem to get AMAZING success from their email marketing campaigns.  We’ve heard stories of people sending out an email campaign and getting sooo many sales or inquiries within hours or even minutes of sending the email.  So what is the BIG secret in why some people are successful and others are not?  The answer is…….planning your email marketing campaigns, knowing your audience and providing the right content for your audience!

In order to be successful with email marketing, you have to know your audience (your target market).  The most successful email marketing campaigns are the ones in which the content provided is exactly what their audience needs and wants.  So how can you make sure your email marketing campaigns are successful?  Here are 6 ways to make sure you have successful email marketing campaigns:

  1. Create an email marketing plan–  Your email marketing plan needs to cover what, when, who, and how.  What type of emails are you going to send (i.e. enewsletters, autoresponders, stand-alone, drip campaigns, etc.)?  When are you are going to send out your emails  (Mondays, Tuesdays, 10:00 am, 2:00 pm etc.)?  Who are going to send the email to (customers, clients, prospects, leads, referrals, etc.), and how often you are going to send the emails (monthly, weekly, daily, etc.)?  Putting a plan together helps you to be clear on what you want to do with your email marketing and helps you to focus on getting the results.
  2. Know your target audience–  This is important for every aspect of your marketing and just as relevant for email marketing.  You have to understand the needs of your audience.  This is the only way that you will be able to accomplish #3 on this list, so take the time to know the specific demographics (age, gender, race, etc.) of your target market.  Be specific as possible.  The idea that your services or products is for everyone is the worst way to market your business and you will never be able to create effective marketing campaigns much less email marketing campaigns.  You also have to understand your target market’s psychographics (attitudes, tastes, preferences).  The more clear you are about these things the better your email marketing campaigns will be.
  3. Segment your email list  Making sure you have several email lists that are segmented based on type of person and or interests is a great way to segment your list. For example you should have a separate list for your customers/clients and then another list for your prospects.  That way you can target your emails specifically to promotions geared towards customers and then you can create another campaign geared towards prospects.  Statistics show that your customer list is your most valuable and profitable list because they have already purchased from your company (and hopefully had a good experience) and therefore you have a higher chance of getting repeat business from your current customers.  You want to treat this list differently than you would prospects who have not purchased from you yet.  On the other hand, it is also important to segment your list based on product or service purchased (or person’s interest).  For example, if a person purchased product or service A from you they may have different needs than someone who purchased product or service B from you, so differentiating them in your list can make a big difference in your marketing results.
  4. Create great content for each specific segment  Having great content is obvious, but having great content that serves your target audience is priceless.  For example if you have a list of people who opted in to receive email from you that are interested in service A, make sure that you are sending out a lot of relevant information about service A.  Information that people will find useful and interesting.  Sending out an email with all your services and products and being salesy does not serve your market.  You want to think how can I be the most helpful and engaging to my readers.  Studies show that having an informative blog post in your email and having people click a link to read more of the post is a great way to engage your audience.  Videos also work well in emails.  Having a screenshot of the video and then people can click on the image and/or a link to view the video is also a good audience engaging technique.
  5. Have a Strong Call To Action–  You want to direct people on what they should do.  Do  you want them to “call and make an appointment”, “click to learn more”, “stop by and visit”, etc.  Using strong calls to actions in your email marketing help your readers to take the necessary action.
  6. Be Consistent–  I always stress the importance of consistency when it comes to email marketing.  Make sure that you send out your email campaigns on a consistent basis.  If you don’t, people will forget about you and your company.  Consistency also helps for you to stay top of mind with your customer and prospects.  You can even set the expectation of frequency upfront by saying. “We will be sending you a weekly newsletter” or “We will be sending you a daily digest”, etc.  that way people already know when they sign-up how often they should expect to receive communication from you.  Then it will be up to you to consistently deliver on that expectation.

Are you using these strategies in your email marketing?  If not, what strategies would you add for successful email marketing campaigns?

Be sure to download this checklist with 21 tips on how to get amazing success with email marketing!  (limited time only)

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